Musée Paul-Arbaud
The Paul Arbaud Museum is located at the entrance of the Mazarin district, on the site of a convent. Its founder, Paul Arbaud, was a collector, bibliophile and patron who dedicated his life and the fortune inherited from his father to compiling an altogether exceptional ensemble of faience works collected over a forty-year period, at a time when they were unfashionable and had been abandoned in favor of porcelain. The faience factories in Moustiers, Marseilles, Apt, Avignon and Varages are all represented. These exceptional pieces are presented in the company of paintings and sculptures by such renowned artists from Aix as Rambot and Chastel. At the same time, Paul Arbaud compiled a rich library containing more than 1600 manuscripts, often in Provençal, together with archival funds such as those belonging to the Mirabeau family. These enhanced collections are sure to please the eye. Gypseries (ornamental plasterwork) and woodcarvings in the Renaissance and Louis 16th styles, create a niche which merits a visit in its own right.
Thématiques : Archéologie / Arts décoratifs / Arts religieux / Beaux arts / Histoire locale régionale / Littérature /

Informations pratiques :

Adresse : Accès :
2 A, rue du 4-septembre - 13100 - Aix-en-Provence
Tél. : +33442383895
Fax. : +33442383895
Contact :

Situé à l’entrée du quartier Mazarin, accessible à pied, parkings Mignet ou Malherbe

Horaires : Tarifs :
Musée ouvert tous les jours sauf dimanche, lundi et jours fériés de 14h à 17h pour les visites individuelles. Pour les groupes, il est possible, sur rendez-vous, de visiter le Musée les matins des jours ouvrables. Prendre contact avec Marie Janton.
  • Plein tarif : 3 €
  • Tarif réduit : 1,50 €
  • Tarif de groupe : 2

Activités :

Animations pédagogiques / Visites guidées / Cycles conférences /