Musée Municipal de Sault - Vaucluse
Boasting a wealth of heteroclite collections, the Sault Municipal Museum is also one of Provence's oldest Museums. It was founded on April 7th, 1859 by Henri Chrestien, a local historian, member of the Vaucluse Academy, the mayor of Sault and the conservator of the Museum at the end of the 19th century. Its collections, made up primarily of donations, are divided into the following categories : - Antiquities and Art objects : Egyptian mummy, apidary collections, tools, statuettes… - Middle Ages : coins, weapons of war, armor… - Natural history : mineralogy and zoology in the county of Sault - Paleontology : fossils from the tertiary era - Numismatics : medals, coins, ancient seals… - Modern era : gallery of paintings, featuring works by Evariste de Bernadi e Valernes. - A beautiful library of over 2500 works, including a copy of the complete collection of the Diderot et d'Alembert Encyclopedia. The « Gold Book » contains prestigious autographs by the likes of Victor Hugo, Alfred de Vigny, Adolphe Thiers, Frédéric Mistral…
Thématiques : Archéologie / Histoire locale régionale / Littérature / Numismatique / Préhistoire /

Informations pratiques :

Adresse : Accès :
Rue du Musée - 84390 - Sault
Tél. : +33490640230
Fax. : +33490640230
Contact :
Au cœur du village, via la place de l'église

Horaires : Tarifs :
Juillet et Août : lundi au samedi, de 15h à 18h
  • Autres : Gratuité pour tous